The best Ice Tea in Uluwatu

Es Teh || Iced Tea
@ Warung Muslim Bu Sherly Banyuwangi

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Ice Tea
@ Bonbon Coffee and Eatery

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Es Teh

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Es Teh
@ Chinese Pak Yono

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Es Teh Manis
@ Bubur Kolak Sakura

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Es Teh Tubruk || Ice Tea Tubruk
@ Warung Blitar Bu Aland

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Es Teh Jahe || Iced Tea Ginger
@ Warung Blitar Bu Aland

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Es Teh
@ Ayam Bakar Bali Tulen Ungasan

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Ice Lychee Tea
@ Mira's Warung

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Ice Tea Regular||Regular Tea (Cold)
@ Mira's Warung

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Es Teh || Iced Tea

Google Rating


Ice Tea

Google Rating


Es Teh

Google Rating


Es Teh

Google Rating


Es Teh Manis

Google Rating


Es Teh Tubruk || Ice Tea Tubruk

Google Rating


Es Teh Jahe || Iced Tea Ginger

Google Rating


Es Teh

Google Rating


Ice Lychee Tea

Google Rating


Ice Tea Regular||Regular Tea (Cold)

Google Rating
