Top rated Potato dishes in Seminyak


Loaded Fries

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Porkstar Bratwurst With Truffle Mashed Potato
@ Pork Star Restaurant

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Roasted Half Chicken
@ Gourmet Cafe Dewi Sri

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Potato Wedges
@ Club Havana Restaurant

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Sauteed Potatoes / Tumis Kentang
@ Mai3 Cafegan Vegetarian Cafe

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Xiangchun / Toona Paste Noodle / Mie Xiangchun (Suren) (Gluten Free)
@ Mai3 Cafegan Vegetarian Cafe

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Noodle Spicy Soup / Mie Kuah Pedas (Gluten Free)
@ Mai3 Cafegan Vegetarian Cafe

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Blackpepper Noodle / Mie Gepeng Lada Hitam (Gluten Free)
@ Mai3 Cafegan Vegetarian Cafe

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Terasi Noodle / Mie Terasi (Gluten Free)
@ Mai3 Cafegan Vegetarian Cafe

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Stirfry Noodle / Mie Siram (Gluten Free)
@ Mai3 Cafegan Vegetarian Cafe

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Pulled Pork Or Jackfruit (Choose One)Jalapeno,Grilledqueso Blanco Cheese,Coriander & Chipotle Mayo


Loaded Fries

Pulled Pork Or Jackfruit (Choose One)Jalapeno,Grilledqueso Blanco Cheese,Coriander & Chipotle Mayo

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Porkstar Bratwurst With Truffle Mashed Potato

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Coleslow,mashed potato,chicken juice


Roasted Half Chicken

Coleslow,mashed potato,chicken juice

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Potato Wedges

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Sauteed Potatoes / Tumis Kentang

Simple Sauteed Potato Slices With Chili Slices ,And Chop Coriander ,Olive-oil (Homemade, No Garlic, Gluten Free)

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Xiangchun / Toona Paste Noodle / Mie Xiangchun (Suren) (Gluten Free)

Homemade potato noodle served with button mushroom, beansprouts, green mustard, and toona paste (No Garlic)

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Noodle Spicy Soup / Mie Kuah Pedas (Gluten Free)

Homemade spicy potato noodle served with beansprout, oyster mushroom, green mustard leaf, and seaweed soup (No Garlic)

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Blackpepper Noodle / Mie Gepeng Lada Hitam (Gluten Free)

Homemade potato noodle served with button mushroom, capsicums, and homemade blackpepper paste (No Garlic)

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Terasi Noodle / Mie Terasi (Gluten Free)

Homemade potato noodle served with water spinach, oyster mushroom, and homemade spicy Indonesian Terasi paste (No Garlic)

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Stirfry Noodle / Mie Siram (Gluten Free)

Homemade potato noodle served with baby corn, carrot, button mushroom, shiitake mushroom, green mustard and condensed broth (No Garlic)

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