Warung Curhat
Soto Ayam
Soto ayam + nasi putih
Delivery Price: 19KSoto Sapi
Soto sapi + nasi putih
Delivery Price: 25KSoba Ayam / Soto + Bakso Ayam
Chicken Soup with Chicken Meat Balls, Steam Rice
Delivery Price: 25KSoba Sapi / Soto + Bakso Sapi
Beef Soup with Beef Meat Balls, Steam Rice
Delivery Price: 30KBakso Special
Mixed Chicken Meat Balls & Beef Meat Balls Soup, Boiled Egg
Delivery Price: 25KBakso Ayam
Chicken Meat Balls Soup
Delivery Price: 12.5KBakso Sapi
Beef Meat Balls Soup
Delivery Price: 15KLalapan Ayam Paha
Fried Chicken Drumstick, Bean Cake, Bean Curd, Lalapan, Sambal, Steam Rice
Delivery Price: 23KLalapan Ayam Dada
Fried Chicken Breast, Bean Cake, Bean Curd, Lalapan, Sambal, Steam Rice
Delivery Price: 23KLalapan Lele
Fried Cat Fish, Bean Cake, Bean curd, Lalapan, Sambal, Steam Rice
Delivery Price: 18KLalapan Telor Terong
Fried egg, Egg plants, Lalapan, Sambal, Steam Rice
Delivery Price: 15KLalapan Tahu
Fried Bean Curd, Lalapan, Sambal, Steam Rice
Delivery Price: 14KLalapan Tempe
Fried Bean Cake, Lalapan Sambal, Steam Rice
Delivery Price: 14KLalapan Tahu Tempe
Fried Bean Cake, Fried Bean Curd, Lalapan, Sambal, Steam Rice
Delivery Price: 14KNasi Putih
Steam Rice
Delivery Price: 7.5KNasi Goreng Veggie
Vrgetable Fried Rice
Delivery Price: 15KNasi Goreng Ayam
Chicken Fried Rice
Delivery Price: 19KNasi Goreng Ati Ampela
Chicken Liver & Gizzard Fried Rice
Delivery Price: 19KNasi Goreng Sapi
Beef Fried Rice
Delivery Price: 25KNasi Goreng Curhat
Chicken, Meat Balls & Egg Fried Rice
Delivery Price: 25KMie Goreng Veggie
Vegetable Fried Noodle
Delivery Price: 15KMie Goreng Ayam
Chicken Fried Noodle
Delivery Price: 19KMie Goreng Sapi
Beef Fried Noodle
Delivery Price: 25KMie Goreng Curhat
Chicken, Meat Balls & Egg Fried Noodle
Delivery Price: 25KBihun Goreng Veggie
Vegetable Fried Vermicelli
Delivery Price: 15KBihun Goreng Ayam
Chicken Fried Vermicelli
Delivery Price: 19KBihun Goreng Sapi
Beef Fried Vermicelli
Delivery Price: 25KBihun Goreng Curhat
Chicken, Meat Balls & Egg Fried Vermicelli
Delivery Price: 25KKwetiau Goreng Veggie
Vegetable Fried Flat Rice Noodle
Delivery Price: 16.5KKwetiau Goreng Ayam
Chicken Fried Flat Rice Noodle
Delivery Price: 21.5KKwetiau Goreng Sapi
Beef Fried Flat Rice Noodle
Delivery Price: 27.5KKwetiau Goreng Curhat
Chicken, Meat Balls & Egg Fried Flat Rice Noodle
Delivery Price: 27.5KCapcay Veggie
Stir Fried Mix Vegetable, Steam Rice
Delivery Price: 17KCapcay Ayam
Stir Fried Vegetable Mixed with Chcken, Steam Rice
Delivery Price: 22KCapcay Sapi
Stir Fried Vegetable Mixed with Beef, Steam Rice
Delivery Price: 25KEs Sari Tebu Murni
Sugarcane juice
Delivery Price: 7KEs Extra Joss Susu
Iced Health Supplement + Condensed Milk
Delivery Price: 8KEs Extra Joss
Iced Health Supplement
Delivery Price: 6KJeruk Panas
Hot Tangerine
Delivery Price: 7.5KEs Jeruk
Iced Tangerine
Delivery Price: 7.5KTeh Jeruk Nipis Panas
Hot Lime Tea
Delivery Price: 9KEs Teh Jeruk Nipis
Iced Lime Tea
Delivery Price: 9KEs Jeruk Nipis
Lime Juice
Delivery Price: 7.5KEs Good Day Cappuccino
Teh Panas
Hot Tea
Delivery Price: 6KEs Teh
Jeruk Nipis Panas
Hot Lime
Delivery Price: 7.5KEs Kelapa Susu
Young Coconut + Condensed Milk
Delivery Price: 10KEs Kelapa Muda Jeruk
Young Coconut + Tangerine
Delivery Price: 10KEs Kelapa Muda
Young Coconut by Glass
Delivery Price: 8KKelapa Muda Utuh
Whole Young Coconut
Delivery Price: 15KTemulawak
Curcuma Heral DrInk 330 ml
Delivery Price: 6KSprite
Sprite 390 ml
Delivery Price: 7KCoca Cola
Cola 390 ml
Delivery Price: 7KAqua 600 Ml
Mineral Water 600 ml
Delivery Price: 6KAqua 1500 Ml
Mineral Water 1500 ml
Delivery Price: 8KSoto Ayam + Nasi Putih ( Chicken Soup )
Soto Ayam, Nasi Putih. (Traditional Chicken Soup Served With Steam Rice On The Side).
Delivery Price: 19KSoto Sapi + Nasi Putih ( Beef Soup )
Soto Sapi, Nasi Putih. (Traditional Beef Soup Served With Steam Rice On The Side).
Delivery Price: 24KSo-Ba Ayam / Soto + Bakso Ayam + Nasi Putih ( Chicken Soup + Meat Balls )
Soto Ayam, Bakso Ayam, Nasi Putih. (Shredded Chicken, Chicken Meat Balls, Steam Rice).
Delivery Price: 24KSo-Ba Sapi / Soto + Bakso Sapi + Nasi Putih ( Beef Soup + Meat Balls )
Soto Sapi, Bakso Sapi, Nasi Putih. (Sliced Beef, Beef Meat Balls, Steam Rice).
Delivery Price: 28KBakso Ayam ( Chicken Meat Ball Soup )
Mie & Bihun, Bakso Ayam. (Egg Noodles, Vemicelli, Chicken Meat Balls).
Delivery Price: 12.5KBakso Sapi ( Beef Meat Ball Soup)
Mie & Bihun, Bakso Sapi. (Egg Noodles, Vemicelli, Beef Meat Balls).
Delivery Price: 15KBakso Campur ( Mixed Meat Ball Soup )
Mie & Bihun, Bakso Ayam, Bakso Sapi, Telur Rebus. (Egg Noodles, Vemicelli, Chicken Meat Balls, Beef Meat Balls,Boiled Egg).
Delivery Price: 22KLalapan Ayam Paha + Nasi Putih ( Fried Chicken Thigh)
Ayam Goreng Paha, Nasi Putih, Lalapan, Sambal. (Fried Chicken Thigh, Steam Rice, Raw Vegetables, Sambal)
Delivery Price: 23KLalapan Ayam Dada + Nasi Putih (Fried Chicken Breast)
Dada Goreng, Nasi Putih, Lalapan, Sambal (Fried Chicken Thigh. Steam Rice, Raw Vegetables, Spicy Sambal)
Delivery Price: 23KLalapan Lele + Nasi Putih ( Fried Cat Fish )
Lele Goreng, Nasi Putih, Lalapan, Sambal. (Cat Fish, Steam Rice, Raw Vegetables, Sambal).
Delivery Price: 18KLalapan Tempe + Nasi Putih ( Fried Bean Cake)
Tempe Goreng, Nasi Putih, Lalapan , Sambal. (Bean Cake, Steam Rice, Raw Vegetables, Sambal).
Delivery Price: 15KLalapan Tahu + Nasi Putih ( Fried Bean Curd / Tofu )
Tahu Goreng, Nasi Putih, Lalapan , Sambal. (Bean Curd / Tofu, Steam Rice, Raw Vegetables, Sambal).
Delivery Price: 15KLalapan Tahu Tempe + Nasi Putih (Fried Tofu, Bean Cake)
Tahu, Tempe Goreng, Nasi Putih, Lalapan, Sambal. Friend Tofu, Bean Cake, Raw Vegetables. Sambal.
Delivery Price: 15KTelor & Terong Penyet + Nasi Putih ( Fried Egg + Egg Plant )
Telor Goreng, Terong Goreng, Nasi Putih , Lalapan, Sambal. (Egg, Egg Plants, Steam Rice, Raw Vegetables, Sambal).
Delivery Price: 15KNasi Putih
Steam Rice
Delivery Price: 7KNasi Goreng Veggie ( Vegetable Fried Rice )
Nasi Goreng Sayuran, Telur (Vegetables, Egg)
Delivery Price: 15KNasi Goreng Sosis (Sausage Fried Rice)
Sosis Ayam, Telur, Sayuran. Chicken Sausages, Egg, Vegetables
Delivery Price: 18KNasi Goreng Baso Ayam (Chicken Meat Ball Fried Rice)
Baso Ayam Iris, Telor, Sayuran. Sliced Chicken Meat Balls, Egg, Vegetables
Delivery Price: 17KNasi Goreng Ayam ( Chicken Fried Rice )
Ayam Suwir, Telur, Sayuran (Shredded Chicken, Egg, Vegetables)
Delivery Price: 19KNasi Goreng Ati Ampela
Chicken Liver And Gizzard Fried Rice.
Delivery Price: 19KNasi Goreng Mawut (Fried Rice And Noodle/Mixed)
Nasi Goreng + Mie Goreng Ayam Dicampur
Delivery Price: 19KNasi Goreng Sapi ( Beef Fried Rice )
Daging Sapi, Telur, Sayuran. (Sliced Beef, Egg, Vegetables).
Delivery Price: 23KNasi Goreng Curhat ( Special Fried Rice )
Ayam Suwir, Bakso Ayam Iris, Bakso Sapi Iris, Telur, Sayuran Dan Topping : Telor Mata Sapi. (Shredded Chicken, Sliced Meat Balls, Egg, Vegetables And Topping : Fried Egg)
Delivery Price: 25KNasi Goreng Baso Sapi (Beef Meat Ball Fried Rice)
Baso Sapi Iris, Telur, Sayuran. Sliced Beef Meat Balls, Egg, Vegetables
Delivery Price: 20KMie Goreng Veggie ( Vegetable Fried Noodle )
Mie Kuning, Telur, Sayuran. (Egg Noodles, Egg, Vegetables).
Delivery Price: 15KMie Goreng Ayam ( Chicken Fried Noodles )
Mie Kuning, Ayam Suwir, Telur, Sayuran. (Egg Noodles, Shredded Chicken, Egg, Vegetables).
Delivery Price: 19KMie Goreng Sapi ( Beef Fried Noodles )
Mie Kuning, Daging Sapi, Telur, Sayuran. (Egg Noodles, Sliced Beef, Egg, Vegetables).
Delivery Price: 23KMie Goreng Curhat ( Special Fried Noodle )
Mie Kuning, Telor, Bakso Ayam Iris, Bakso Sapi Iris, Ayam Suwir, Sayuran Dan Topping Telor Mata Sapi. (Egg Noodles, Egg, Sliced Meat Balls, Shredded Chicken, Topping : Fried Egg).
Delivery Price: 25KBihun Goreng Veggie ( Vegetable Fried Vermicelli / Rice Noodle )
Bihun, Telur, Sayuran. (Rice Noodles / Vermicelli, Egg, Vegetables).
Delivery Price: 15KBihun Goreng Ayam ( Chicken Fried Vermicelli / Rice Noodle )
Bihun, Ayam Suwir, Telur, Sayuran. (Rice Noodles / Vermicelli, Shredded Chicken, Egg, Vegetables).
Delivery Price: 19KBihun Goreng Sapi ( Fried Beef Vermicelli / Rice Noodle)
Bihun Goreng Daging Sapi, Telur, Sayuran. (Vermicelli / Rice Noodles, Sliced Beef, Egg, Vegetables).
Delivery Price: 23KBihun Goreng Curhat ( Special Fried Vermicelli / Rice Noodle )
Bihun, Ayam Suwir, Bakso Sapi Iris, Bakao Ayam Iris, Telor, Sayuran, Topping : Telor Mata Sapi. (Rice Noodles / Vermicelli, Shredded Chicken, Sliced Meat Balls, Egg, Vegetables, Topping : Fried Egg).
Delivery Price: 25KKwetiau Goreng Veggie ( Vegetable Fried Flat Rice Noodle )
Kwetiau, Telur, Sayuran. (Flat Rice Noodles, Egg, Vegetables).
Delivery Price: 16KKwetiau Goreng Ayam ( Chicken Fried Flat Rice Noodle )
Kwetiau, Ayam Suwir, Telur, Sayuran. (Flat Rice Noodles, Shredded Chicken, Egg, Vegetables).
Delivery Price: 20KKwetiau Goreng Sapi ( Fried Beef Flat Rice Noodle)
Kwetiau, Sliced Beef, Egg, Mixed Vegetables
Delivery Price: 25KKwetiau Goreng Curhat ( Special Fried Flat Rice Noodle )
Kwetiau, Ayam Suwir, Telur, Bakso Sapi Iris, Bakso Ayam Iris, Sayuran, Topping : Telur Mata Sapi. (Flat Rice Noodles / Vermicelli, Shredded Chicken, Sliced Meat Balls, Egg, Vegetables, Topping : Fried Egg).
Delivery Price: 25KCapcay Veggie + Nasi Putih ( Stir Fried Vegetable )
Capcay Sayuran, Nasi Putih. (Stir Fried Mix Vegetables Served With Steam Rice).
Delivery Price: 15KCapcay Ayam + Nasi Putih ( Stir Fried Vegetable Mixed With Chicken )
Sayuran, Ayam Suwir, Bakso Ayam Iris. Disajikan Dengan Nasi Putih. (Mixed Vegetables, Shredded Chicken, Chicken Meat Balls, Steam Rice).
Delivery Price: 20KCapcai Sapi + Nasi Putih ( Fried Beef Mixed Vegetable)
Sliced Beef, Sliced Beef Meat Ball, Mixed Vegetables, Served With Steam Rice
Delivery Price: 25KTelur Dadar ( Omelette )
Telur Goreng Dadar. Fried Egg Omelette Style.
Delivery Price: 6KTelur Ceplok / Mata Sapi ( Over Easy )
Telur Goreng Ceplok. Fried Egg, Over Easy Style.
Delivery Price: 5KSambal Lalapan ( Traditional Spicy Sauce )
Sambal Trasi Buat Lalapan. Shrimp Paste Spicy Sambal.
Delivery Price: 5KKrupuk / Cracker
Crispy Assorted Crakers
Delivery Price: 2KEs Kelapa Muda
Young Coconut By Glass
Delivery Price: 8KEs Kelapa Muda Jeruk
Young Coconut By Glass + Tangarine
Delivery Price: 10KEs Kelapa Muda Susu
Young Coconut + Condensed Milk
Delivery Price: 10KKelapa Muda Utuh /Bathok
Fresh Whole Young Coconut
Delivery Price: 15KEs Teh
Iced Tea
Delivery Price: 6KEs Jeruk
Iced Tangarine
Delivery Price: 7KEs Jeruk Nipis
Lime Juice
Delivery Price: 7KEs Lemon Tea
Iced Lemon Tea
Delivery Price: 8KEs Good Day Cappuccino
Iced Good Day Cappucino
Delivery Price: 7KEs Extra Joss
Energy Drink
Delivery Price: 6KEs Exra Joss Susu
Energy Drink + Milk
Delivery Price: 8KAqua Mineral Water 600 Ml (Kecil)
Small Mineral Water
Delivery Price: 7KAqua Mineral Water 1500 Ml (Besar)
Large Mineral Water
Delivery Price: 9KEs Temulawak
Curcuma Herbal Drink
Delivery Price: 8KDish Reviews Loading......
