Waroeng Kampoeng Chinese Food & Seafood
Cha Baby Buncis Ayam
Stir Fried String Beans with Chicken
Delivery Price: 28KCha Sayur Hijau Polos
Stir Fried Choy-Sum Plain
Delivery Price: 21KCap Cay Sari Laut
Stir Fried Mix Vegetables with Seafood
Delivery Price: 31KCha Baby Buncis Sapi
Stir Fried String Beans with Beef
Delivery Price: 32KCha Baby Buncis Sari Laut
Stir Fried String Beans with Seafood
Delivery Price: 32KCha Taoge Tahu & Ikan Asin
Stir Fried Bean Sprout With Bean Curd And Salty Fish
Delivery Price: 25KTerong Saus Asam Pedas
Stir Fried Eggplant With Sour And Spicy Sauce
Delivery Price: 22.5KCha Baby Buncis Polos
Stir Fried String Beans Plain
Delivery Price: 23.5KTerong Saus Kecap
Stir Fried Eggplant With Soy Sauce
Delivery Price: 22.5KCha Kangkung Polos
Stir Fried Water Spinach Plain
Delivery Price: 21KCha Sawi Bangkok Polos
Stir Fried Pak Coy Plain
Delivery Price: 21KTerong Saus Pedas
Stir Fried Eggplant With Spicy Sauce
Delivery Price: 22.5KCha Kailan Ayam
Stir Fried Chinese Kale With Chicken
Delivery Price: 28KCha Kailan Sapi
Stir Fried Chinese Kale With Beef
Delivery Price: 32KCha Kailan Polos
Stir Fried Chinese Kale Plain
Delivery Price: 23.5KCha Brokoli Sapi
Stir Fried Broccoli with Beef
Delivery Price: 32KCha Brokoli Sari Laut
Stir Fried Broccoli with Seafood
Delivery Price: 32KCha Kangkung Tauco
Stir fried water spinach with soy bean sauce
Delivery Price: 22.5KCap Cay Ayam
Stir Fried Mix Vegetables with Chicken
Delivery Price: 26.5KCha Kailan Sari Laut
Stir Fried Chinese Kale With Seafood
Delivery Price: 32KCha Taoge Tahu
Stir Fried Bean Sprout With Bean Curd
Delivery Price: 22.5KCap Cay Sapi
Stir Fried Mix Vegetables with Beef
Delivery Price: 31KCha Brokoli Polos
Stir Fried Broccoli Plain
Delivery Price: 23.5KCha Sayur Hijau Ayam
Stir Fried Choy-Sum with Chicken
Delivery Price: 23.5KCha Sayur Hijau Sapi
Stir Fried Choy-Sum with Beef
Delivery Price: 26.5KCha Sayur Hijau Sari Laut
Stir Fried Choy-Sum with Seafood
Delivery Price: 26.5KCha Sawi Bangkok Ayam
Stir Fried Pak Coy with Chicken
Delivery Price: 23.5KCha Sawi Bangkok Sapi
Stir Fried Pak Coy with Beef
Delivery Price: 26.5KCha Sawi Bangkok Sari Laut
Stir Fried Pak Coy with Seafood
Delivery Price: 26.5KCha Kangkung Ayam
Stir Fried Water Spinach with Chicken
Delivery Price: 23.5KCha Kangkung Sapi
Stir Fried Water Spinach with Beef
Delivery Price: 26.5KCha Kangkung Sari Laut
Stir Fried Water Spinach with Seafood
Delivery Price: 26.5KCha Brokoli Ayam
Stir Fried Broccoli with Chicken
Delivery Price: 28KBubur Ayam
Chicken Porridge
Delivery Price: 21KBubur Polos
Plain Porridge
Delivery Price: 17KBubur Ayam Komplit
Chicken Porridge With Boiled Egg & Crackers
Delivery Price: 24KAyam Hot Plate
Chicken Hot Plate
Delivery Price: 29.5KMie Hot Plate
Fried Noodles Hotplate Served With Chicken, Shrimp And Spicy Sauce
Delivery Price: 33.5KMongolian Sapi Hot Plate
Beef Hot Plate In Mongolian Sauce
Delivery Price: 36.5KSapi Hot Plate
Beef Hot Plate
Delivery Price: 36.5KSeafood Hot Plate
Shrimp, Squid And Fish Hot Plate
Delivery Price: 44.5KUdang Hot Plate
Shrimp Hot Plate
Delivery Price: 44.5KKangkung Hot Plate
Water Spinach Hot Plate
Delivery Price: 28KTeh Lemon
Lemon Tea
Delivery Price: 14KJeruk Panas
Hot Orange
Delivery Price: 15.5KTeh Panas
Hot Tea
Delivery Price: 7KKopi
Delivery Price: 8.5KWedang Jahe
Boiled Ginger Water
Delivery Price: 18KTeh Jahe
Hot Tea Served With Ginger
Delivery Price: 18KJeruk Nipis Panas
Hot Lemon
Delivery Price: 15.5KCoklat Panas
Hot Chocolate
Delivery Price: 14KTelur Mata Sapi
Fried Egg
Delivery Price: 7KFu Yung Hai Sari Laut
Chinese Omelet With Vegetables And Seafood
Delivery Price: 31KTelur Dadar Isi Jamur / Sosis Sapi / Bawang Bombay
Omelet With Mushroom / Beef Sausage / Onion
Delivery Price: 18KTelur Dadar Polos
Omelet Plain
Delivery Price: 15.5KFu Yung Hai Kepiting
Chinese Omelet With Vegetables And Crabs
Delivery Price: 28KFu Yung Hai Ayam
Chinese Omelet With Vegetables And Chicken
Delivery Price: 28KKerapu Mentega
With Butter Sauce
Delivery Price: 54.5KKerapu Taosi
With Black Soy Bean Sauce
Delivery Price: 54.5KKerapu Pedas
With Spicy Sauce
Delivery Price: 54.5KKerapu Hongkong
With Soy Sauce
Delivery Price: 54.5KKerapu Asam Manis
With Sweet And Sour Sauce
Delivery Price: 54.5KKerapu Padang
With Padang Sauce
Delivery Price: 54.5KJus Tomat
Tomato Juice
Delivery Price: 21KJus Wortel
Carrot Juice
Delivery Price: 21KJus Jeruk
Orange Juice
Delivery Price: 19.5KJus Sirsak
Soursop Juice
Delivery Price: 21KJus Nanas
Pineapple Juice
Delivery Price: 21KJus Jeruk Nipis
Lemon Juice
Delivery Price: 19.5KJus Pepaya
Papaya Juice
Delivery Price: 21KJus Kelapa Muda
Young Coconut Juice
Delivery Price: 21KJus Jambu
Guava Juice
Delivery Price: 21KJus Melon
Melon Juice
Delivery Price: 21KJus Stroberi
Strawberry Juice
Delivery Price: 21KJus Semangka
Watermelon Juice
Delivery Price: 21KJus Mangga
Mango Juice
Delivery Price: 22.5KJus Pisang
Banana Juice
Delivery Price: 21KJus Apukat
Avocado Juice
Delivery Price: 24KEs Jeruk Nipis
Ice Lemon
Delivery Price: 15.5KEs Jeruk
Ice Orange
Delivery Price: 15.5KEs Teh Lemon
Ice Lemon Tea
Delivery Price: 14KEs Teh
Ice Tea
Delivery Price: 7KEs Teler
Avocado, Jackfruit, Shredded Young Coconut Topped With Sweet Condensed Milk And Syrup
Delivery Price: 24KEs Soda Gembira
Soda Mixed With Condensed Milk And Syrup Over Ice
Delivery Price: 24KEs Buah
Ice Mixed Fruit
Delivery Price: 24KEs Coklat
Ice Chocolate
Delivery Price: 14KEs Kelapa Muda
Ice Young Coconut
Delivery Price: 16.5KEs Kelapa Muda Jeruk
Lalapan Gurami
Deep Fried Gouramy Served With Raw Vegetables & Hot Chili Sauce
Delivery Price: 53KGado-Gado
Indonesian Vegetable Salad With Peanut Sauce
Delivery Price: 28KSate Ayam
Skewered Chicken With Sweet Peanut Sauce
Delivery Price: 33.5KSoto Ayam
Chicken Flavors With Turmeric, Egg, Glass Noodles And Lemon Grass
Delivery Price: 25KLalapan Terong
Stir Fried Eggplant Served With Raw Vegetables & Hot Chili Sauce
Delivery Price: 15.5KLalapan Tempe Goreng
Deep Fried Soybean Cake Served With Raw Vegetables & Hot Chili Sauce
Delivery Price: 15.5KRawon
Indonesian Beef Stew With Keluwek Nuts
Delivery Price: 32KLalapan Kerapu
Deep Fried Grouper
Delivery Price: 54.5KLalapan Tahu & Tempe Goreng
Deep Fried Soybean Cake & Bean Curd Served With Raw Vegetables & Hot Chili Sauce
Delivery Price: 18KLalapan Tahu Goreng
Deep Fried Bean Curd Served With Raw Vegetables & Hot Chili Sauce
Delivery Price: 15.5KLalapan Ayam Goreng
Deep Fried Chicken Served With Raw Vegetables & Hot Chili Sauce
Delivery Price: 25KUdang Mentega
With Butter Sauce
Delivery Price: 44.5KUdang Masak Jamur
Stir Fried Shrimp With Mushroom
Delivery Price: 44.5KUdang Inggris
With Worcestershire Sauce
Delivery Price: 44.5KUdang Kecap
With Soy Sauce
Delivery Price: 44.5KUdang Padang
With Padang Sauce
Delivery Price: 44.5KUdang Malaysia
With Malaysian Sauce
Delivery Price: 44.5KUdang Tepung
Fried Shrimp Wrapped In Flour
Delivery Price: 46KUdang Cabe Garam
With Chili And Salt
Delivery Price: 46KUdang Gandum
Cereal Butter Shrimps
Delivery Price: 44.5KUdang Asam Manis
With Sweet And Sour Sauce
Delivery Price: 46KUdang Pedas
With Spicy Sauce
Delivery Price: 44.5KUdang Lada Hitam
With Black Pepper Sauce
Delivery Price: 44.5KUdang Tiram
With Oyster Sauce
Delivery Price: 44.5KNasi Goreng Ayam
Fried Rice With Chicken
Delivery Price: 25KNasi Goreng Sari Laut
Fried Rice With Seafood
Delivery Price: 31KNasi Cap Cay Sapi
Mix Vegetables Rice With Beef
Delivery Price: 35KNasi Goreng Hongkong
Fried Rice With Chicken, Green Peas And Carrot
Delivery Price: 25KNasi Cap Cay Ayam
Mix Vegetables Rice With Chicken
Delivery Price: 31KNasi Goreng Sapi
Fried Rice With Beef
Delivery Price: 31KNasi Goreng Sayur Sari Laut
Vegetables Fried Rice With Seafood
Delivery Price: 31KNasi Goreng Malaysia
Fried Rice With Chicken And Malaysian Sauce
Delivery Price: 25KNasi Putih
Plain Rice
Delivery Price: 10KNasi Goreng Sosis Sapi
Fried Rice With Beef Sausage
Delivery Price: 25KNasi Goreng Jawa
Fried Rice In Javanese Style
Delivery Price: 25KNasi Goreng Sayur Ayam
Vegetables Fried Rice With Chicken
Delivery Price: 25KNasi Goreng Ikan Asin
Fried Rice With Salty Fish
Delivery Price: 25KNasi Cap Cay Sari Laut
Mix Vegetables Rice With Seafood
Delivery Price: 35KNasi Goreng Ati Ayam
Fried Rice With Chicken Liver & Gizzard
Delivery Price: 25KMie Ayam Spesial
Chicken Noodles With Meat Ball, Fried Wonton & Mushroom
Delivery Price: 31KMie Ayam Pangsit
Chicken Noodles With Fried Wonton
Delivery Price: 26.5KMie Ayam
Chicken Noodles
Delivery Price: 22.5KMie Ayam Bakso
Chicken Noodles With Meat Ball
Delivery Price: 26.5KMie Ayam Jamur
Chicken Noodles With Mushroom
Delivery Price: 25KAyam Inggris
Chicken With Worcestershire Sauce
Delivery Price: 29.5KAyam Gandum
Cereal Butter Chicken
Delivery Price: 31KAyam Kari
Chicken Curry
Delivery Price: 29.5KAyam Kecap
With Soy Sauce
Delivery Price: 29.5KAyam Pedas
Chicken With Spicy Sauce
Delivery Price: 29.5KAyam Cha Jamur
Stir Fried Chicken With Mushroom
Delivery Price: 29.5KAyam Padang
With Padang Sauce
Delivery Price: 29.5KAyam Cabe Garam
With Chili And Salt
Delivery Price: 31KAyam Kung Pao
Chicken With Cashew Nuts And Dry Chili
Delivery Price: 29.5KKo Lo Ke
Chicken With Sweet & Sour Sauce
Delivery Price: 31KAyam Mentega
With Butter Sauce
Delivery Price: 29.5KAyam Madu
With Honey Sauce
Delivery Price: 29.5KAyam Tepung
Fried Chicken Fillet Wrapped In Flour
Delivery Price: 31KKulit Ayam Tepung
Fried Crispy Chicken Skin Wrapped In Flour
Delivery Price: 24KAyam Teriyaki
Chicken Teriyaki
Delivery Price: 29.5KAyam Lada Hitam
With Black Pepper Sauce
Delivery Price: 29.5KAyam Malaysia
Chicken With Malaysian Sauce
Delivery Price: 29.5KKwee Tiaw Siram Sari Laut
Fried Rice Noodles And Mix Vegetables On Top With Seafood
Delivery Price: 32KKwee Tiaw Goreng Sari Laut
Fried Rice Noodles With Seafood
Delivery Price: 31KTamie Cap Cay Sari Laut
Crispy Noodles With Seafood And Mix Vegetables On Top
Delivery Price: 33.5KKwee Tiaw Goreng Sapi
Fried Rice Noodles With Beef
Delivery Price: 31KMie Goreng Atau Kuah Sari Laut
Fried Noodles Or Soup With Seafood Fried Noodles Or Soup
Delivery Price: 31KI Fu Mie Sari Laut
E Fu Noodles Served With Seafood And Mushroom In Oyster Sauce
Delivery Price: 31KBihun Goreng Sapi
Fried Thin Rice Noodles Or Soup With Beef
Delivery Price: 31KTamie Cap Cay Sapi
Crispy Noodles And Mix Vegetables On Top With Beef
Delivery Price: 33.5KMie Goreng Atau Kuah Ayam
Fried Noodles Or Soup With Chicken
Delivery Price: 25KBihun Goreng Atau Kuah Sari Laut
Fried Thin Rice Noodles Or Soup With Seafood
Delivery Price: 31KKwee Tiaw Goreng Ayam
Fried Rice Noodles With Chicken
Delivery Price: 25KKwee Tiaw Siram Ayam
Fried Rice Noodles And Mix Vegetables On Top With Chicken
Delivery Price: 26.5KI Fu Mie Ayam
E Fu Noodles Served With Chicken And Mushroom In Oyster Sauce
Delivery Price: 25KMie Goreng Sapi
Beef Fried Noodles
Delivery Price: 31KBihun Goreng Atau Kuah Ayam
Fried Thin Rice Noodles Or Soup With Chicken
Delivery Price: 25KTamie Cap Cay Ayam
Crispy Noodles And Mix Vegetables On Top With Chicken
Delivery Price: 28KBistik Ayam
Chinese Chicken Steak
Delivery Price: 36KBistik Ikan
Chinese Fish Fillet Steak
Delivery Price: 36KBistik Sapi
Chinese Beef Steak
Delivery Price: 38KSapo Tahu Ayam
Stir Fried Egg Tofu With Chicken
Delivery Price: 35KSapo Tahu Sari Laut
Stir Fried Egg Tofu With Seafood
Delivery Price: 39KSapo Tahu Sapi
Stir Fried Egg Tofu With Beef
Delivery Price: 39KMapo Tahu
Stir Fried Egg Tofu With Beef And Spicy Sauce
Delivery Price: 39KSup Asparagus Ayam
Chicken Asparagus Soup
Delivery Price: 22.5KSup Waroeng Kampoeng
Fish Lips, Chicken And Mushroom Soup
Delivery Price: 22.5KBakso Sapi Kuah
Meat Ball Soup With Vegetable
Delivery Price: 21KSup Sayuran
Mix Vegetables Soup
Delivery Price: 22.5KSup Jamur Kepiting
Crab Mushroom Soup
Delivery Price: 22.5KSup Szechuan
Spicy Chicken, Tofu And Mushroom Soup
Delivery Price: 22.5KSup Asparagus Kepiting
Crab Asparagus Soup
Delivery Price: 22.5KSup Jamur Ayam
Chicken Mushroom Soup
Delivery Price: 22.5KPangsit Kuah
Wonton Soup
Delivery Price: 22.5KSup Tom Yam
Tom Yum Soup
Delivery Price: 24KSup Jagung Ayam
Chicken Corn Soup
Delivery Price: 22.5KSup Jagung Kepiting
Crab Corn Soup
Delivery Price: 22.5KKerang Pedas
With Spicy Sauce
Delivery Price: 32KKerang Tiram
With Oyster Sauce
Delivery Price: 32KKerang Padang
With Padang Sauce
Delivery Price: 32KKerang Taoco
With Soybean Sauce
Delivery Price: 32KCumi Lada Hitam
With Black Pepper Sauce
Delivery Price: 40.5KCumi Pedas
With Spicy Sauce
Delivery Price: 40.5KCumi Asam Manis
With Sweet And Sour Sauce
Delivery Price: 42KCumi Masak Jamur
Stir Fried Squid With Mushroom
Delivery Price: 40.5KCumi Mentega
With Butter Sauce
Delivery Price: 40.5KCumi Cabe Garam
With Chili And Salt
Delivery Price: 42KCumi Tepung
Fried Squid Wrapped In Flour
Delivery Price: 42KCumi Padang
With Padang Sauce
Delivery Price: 40.5KBaby Buncis Telur Asin
Stir Fried String Beans With Salty Duck’S Egg
Delivery Price: 32KAyam Telur Asin
Stir Fried Chicken With Salty Duck’S Egg
Delivery Price: 36.5KCumi Telur Asin
Fried Squid With Salty Duck’S Egg
Delivery Price: 47.5KBrokoli Telur Asin
Stir Fried Broccoli With Salty Duck’S Egg
Delivery Price: 33.5KKepiting Soka Telur Asin
Deep Fried Soft Shell Crab With Salty Duck’S Egg
Delivery Price: 50KUdang Telur Asin
Fried Shrimp With Salty Duck’S Egg
Delivery Price: 51.5KJamur Enoki Telur Asin
Stir Fried Enoki Mushroom With Salty Duck’S Egg
Delivery Price: 32KGurami Mentega
With Butter Sauce
Delivery Price: 53KGurami Tauco
With Soybean Sauce
Delivery Price: 53KGuramu Cabe Garam
With Chili And Salt
Delivery Price: 53KGurami Taosi
With Black Soy Bean Sauce
Delivery Price: 53KGurami Pedas
With Spicy Sauce
Delivery Price: 53KGurami Asam Manis
With Sweet And Sour Sauce
Delivery Price: 53KGurami Tepung
Deep Fried Gouramy Wrapped In Flour
Delivery Price: 53KGurami Asam Pedas
With Sour And Spicy Sauce
Delivery Price: 53KGurami Padang
With Padang Sauce
Delivery Price: 53KGurami Hongkong
With Soy Sauce
Delivery Price: 53KGurami Tiram
With Oyster Sauce
Delivery Price: 53KSapi Saus Pedas
With Spicy Sauce
Delivery Price: 36.5KSapi Teriyaki
Beef Teriyaki
Delivery Price: 36.5KKari Sapi
Beef Curry
Delivery Price: 36.5KSapi Lada Hitam
With Black Pepper Sauce
Delivery Price: 36.5KPancake Polos
Plain Pancake
Delivery Price: 16.5KKentang Goreng
French Fries
Delivery Price: 23.5KBombay Goreng Tepung
Onion Ring
Delivery Price: 23.5KPancake Campur
Mix Pancake
Delivery Price: 22.5KPancake Coklat
Chocolate Pancake
Delivery Price: 19.5KIkan Tepung & Kentang Goreng
Fish And Chips
Delivery Price: 25KPangsit Goreng (5Pcs)
Fried Wonton
Delivery Price: 23.5KPancake Madu
Honey Pancake
Delivery Price: 19.5KPancake Pisang
Banana Pancake
Delivery Price: 19.5KChicken Nugget & Kentang Goreng
Chicken Nugget And French Fries
Delivery Price: 25KIkan Tepung
Fried Fish Fillet Wrapped In Flour
Delivery Price: 32KIkan Mentega
With Butter Sauce
Delivery Price: 31KIkan Asam Manis
With Sweet And Sour Sauce
Delivery Price: 32KIkan Cabe Garam
With Chili And Salt
Delivery Price: 32KIkan Lada Hitam
With Black Pepper Sauce
Delivery Price: 31KIkan Masak Jamur
With Mushroom
Delivery Price: 31KIkan Padang
With Padang Sauce
Delivery Price: 31KIkan Pedas
With Spicy Sauce
Delivery Price: 31KKepiting Asam Manis Per 100Gram
With Sweet And Sour Sauce
Delivery Price: 31.6KKepiting Padang Per 100Gram
With Padang Sauce
Delivery Price: 31.6KKepiting Asam Pedas Per 100Gram
With Sour And Spicy Sauce
Delivery Price: 31.6KKepiting Lada Hitam Per 100Gram
With Black Pepper Sauce
Delivery Price: 31.6KKepiting Tiram Per 100Gram
With Oyster Sauce
Delivery Price: 31.6KKepiting Pedas Per 100Gram
With Spicy Sauce
Delivery Price: 31.6KKari Kepiting Per 100Gram
Crab Curry
Delivery Price: 31.6KCumi Cabe Garam
With Chili And Salt
Delivery Price: 41.5KCumi Masak Jamur
Stir Fried Squid With Mushroom
Delivery Price: 40KCumi Tepung
Fried Squid Wrapped In Flour
Delivery Price: 41.5KCumi Asam Manis
With Sweet And Sour Sauce
Delivery Price: 41.5KCumi Mentega
With Butter Sauce
Delivery Price: 40KCumi Pedas
With Spicy Sauce
Delivery Price: 40KCumi Lada Hitam
With Black Pepper Sauce
Delivery Price: 40KCumi Padang
With Padang Sauce
Delivery Price: 40KDish Reviews Loading......