Dapur Arum
Capcay Goreng Ayam
Stir Fried Mix Vegetables With Chicken,Mushroom
Delivery Price: 25.9KCapcay Goreng Seafood
Stir Fried Mix Vegetables With Seafood (Shrimp,Squid)
Delivery Price: 30.9KCah Sayur Hijau Bawang Putih
Cah Sayur Hijau Ayam
Stir Fried Vegetables With Chicken,Mushroom
Delivery Price: 25.9KCah Sayur Hijau Seafood
Stir Fried Vegetables With Seafood (Shrimp,Squid)
Delivery Price: 28.9KCah Kangkung Bawang Putih
Stir Fried Water Spinach With Garlic
Delivery Price: 22.9KCah Kangkung Terasi
Stir Fried Water Spinach Shrimp Pasta
Delivery Price: 22.9KCah Kangkung Ayam
Stir Fried Water Spinach With Chicken
Delivery Price: 25.9KCah Kangkung Seafood
Stir Fried Water Spinach With Seafood (Shrimp,Squid)
Delivery Price: 28.9KBrokoli Bawang Putih
Stir Fried Brocolli With Garlic
Delivery Price: 32.9KBrokoli Ayam
Stir Fried Broccoli With Chicken,Mushroom
Delivery Price: 35.9KBrokoli Seafood
Stir Fried Broccoli With Seafood (Shrimp,Squid)
Delivery Price: 38.9KBrokoli Sapi
Stir Fried Broccoli With Beef
Delivery Price: 40.9KPokcoy Bawang Putih
Pok Coy Vegetable With Garlic
Delivery Price: 25.9KPokcoy Siram Ayam
Pok Coy Vegetable With Chicken Mushroom Flush
Delivery Price: 28.9KPokcoy Siram Seafood
Pok Coy Vegetable With Seafood Flush
Delivery Price: 32.9KBuncis Bawang Putih
Stir Fried Green Bean With Garlic
Delivery Price: 25.9KBuncis Sicuan
Tauge Bawang Putih
Stir Fried Bean Sprout With Garlic
Delivery Price: 22.9KTumis Tofu Tauge
Stir Fried Bean Sprout With Tofu
Delivery Price: 25.9KAngsiou Tahu Ayam
Angsio Tofu Chicken
Delivery Price: 30.9KAngsiou Tahu Seafood
Angsio Tofu Seafood
Delivery Price: 35.9KTauge Ikan Asin
Stir Fried Bean Sprout With Salt Fish
Delivery Price: 25.9KSup Tom Yum
Tom Yum Soup (Squid,Shrimp,Mushroom,Tofu)
Delivery Price: 35.8KSup Asam Pedas
Hot Sweet Sour Soup (Chicken,Mushroom,Tofu)
Delivery Price: 30.8KSup Jagung Ayam
Chiken With Corn Soup
Delivery Price: 28.8KSup Jagung Kepiting
Crab With Corn Soup
Delivery Price: 28.8KCap Cay Kuah Ayam
Mix Vegetebles Soup With (Chiken,Mushroom)
Delivery Price: 30.9KCap Cay Kuah Seafood
Mix Vegetebles Soup With Seafood (Squid,Shrimp)
Delivery Price: 32.9KBihun Kuah Ayam
Rice Noodle Soup With (Chicken)
Delivery Price: 30.9KBihun Kuah Seafood
Rice Noodle Soup With Seafood (Squid,Shrimp)
Delivery Price: 32.9KMie Kuah Ayam
Noodle Soup With (Chicken)
Delivery Price: 30.9KMie Kuah Seafood
Noodle Soup With Seafood (Squid,Shrimp)
Delivery Price: 32.9KSup Asparagus Ayam
Asparagus Chicken Soup
Delivery Price: 28.8KSup Asparagus Jagung
Sup Asparagus Kepiting
Asparagus Crab Soup
Delivery Price: 28.8KFuyung Hai Vegetarian
With Sweet Sour Sauce
Delivery Price: 25KFuyung Hai Ayam
With Sweet Sour Sauce
Delivery Price: 28KFuyung Hai Seafood
With Sweet Sour Sauce
Delivery Price: 30KFuyung Hai Spesial
With Sweet Sour Sauce
Delivery Price: 35.5KTelur Tahu Orak Arik
Telor Orak Arik Udang
Telur Dadar
Telor Ceplok
Nasi Putih
Steam Rice
Delivery Price: 8.5KNasi Goreng Vegetarian
Fried Rice Vegetarian
Delivery Price: 25.9KNasi Goreng Mawut
Fried Rice Noodle (Chicken,Noodle,Scrambled Egg)
Delivery Price: 28.9KNasi Goreng Ayam
Fried Rice (Chicken,Fried Egg)
Delivery Price: 28.9KNasi Goreng Seafood
Fried Rice Seafood (Squid,Shrimp,Scrambled Egg)
Delivery Price: 32.9KNasi Goreng Ikan Asin
Fried Rice Salt Fish
Delivery Price: 28.9KNasi Goreng Udang
Fried Rice Shrimp
Delivery Price: 32.9KNasi Goreng Sapi
Fried Rice Beef
Delivery Price: 35.9KNasi Goreng Kambing
Fried Rice Lamb
Delivery Price: 38.9KNasi Goreng Spesial
Fried Rice Special (Chicken,Squid,Shrimp,Fried Egg)
Delivery Price: 38.9KNasi Siram Capcay Ayam
Fried Rice Mix Vegetable (Chicken,Mushroom)
Delivery Price: 32.9KNasi Siram Capcay Seafood
Fried Rice Mix Vegetable (Squid,Shrimp,Mushroom)
Delivery Price: 38.9KMie Goreng Ayam
Fried Noodle Chicken
Delivery Price: 28.9KMie Goreng Seafood
Fried Noodle Seafood (Shrimp,Squid)
Delivery Price: 32.9KMie Goreng Sapi
Fried Noodle Beef
Delivery Price: 32.9KMie Goreng Vegetarian
Mie Goreng Spesial
Fried Noodle Special (Chicken,Squid,Shrimp,Fried Egg)
Delivery Price: 38.9KTami Cap Cay Goreng Ayam
Crispy Noodle With Mix Vegetables (Chicken,Mushroom)
Delivery Price: 32.9KTami Cap Cay Goreng Seafood
Crispy Noodle With Mix Vegetables (Shrimp,Squid,Mushroom)
Delivery Price: 38.9KKwetiau Goreng Ayam
Fried Rice Noodle Chicken
Delivery Price: 28.9KKwetiau Goreng Seafood
Fried Rice Noodle Seafood (Squid,Shrimp)
Delivery Price: 32.9KKwetiau Goreng Sapi
Fried Rice Noodle Beef
Delivery Price: 32.9KKwetiaw Goreng Spesial
Kwetiau Siram Ayam
Fried Rice Noodle With Chicken Flush
Delivery Price: 30.9KKwetiau Siram Seafood
Fried Rice Noodle With Seafood Flush
Delivery Price: 35.9KBihun Goreng Ayam
Fried Vermicelli Chicken
Delivery Price: 28.9KBihun Goreng Seafood
Fried Vermicelli Seafood (Squid,Shrimp)
Delivery Price: 32.9KBihun Goreng Sapi
Fried Vermicelli Beef
Delivery Price: 32.9KBihun Goreng Spesial
Fried Vermicelli Spesial (Chicken,Squid,Shrimp,Fried Egg)
Delivery Price: 38.9KAyam Krispi
Chicken Fillet Crispy
Delivery Price: 32.9KAyam Cabe Kering
Fried Chicken Fillet With Dried Chilli
Delivery Price: 32.9KAyam Telor Asin
Fried Chicken Fillet With Salted Egg
Delivery Price: 32.9KAyam Steam Bawang Putih
Ayam Rica-Rica
Fried Chicken With Traditional Spicy Sauce
Delivery Price: 32.9KAyam Koloke
Fried Chicken Flavour With Sweet Sour Spicy Sauce
Delivery Price: 32.9KAyam Saus Mentega
Fried Chicken With Butter Sauce
Delivery Price: 32.9KAyam Saus Asam Manis
Fried Chicken With Sweet Sour Sauce
Delivery Price: 32.9KAyam Saus Lada Hitam
Fried Chicken With Black Pepper Sauce
Delivery Price: 32.9KAyam Saus Tiram
Fried Chicken With Oyster Sauce
Delivery Price: 32.9KAyam Saus Inggris
Fried Chicken With Worcester Sauce
Delivery Price: 32.9KAyam Saus Pedas
Fried Chicken With Hot Spicy Sauce
Delivery Price: 32.9KAyam Mayonaise
Fried Chicken Fillet With Mayonaise
Delivery Price: 32.9KAyam Sambal Matah
Ikan Saus Asam Manis
Fried Fish With Sweet Sour Sauce
Delivery Price: 80.5KIkan Saus Pedas
Fried Fish With Chilli Sauce
Delivery Price: 80.5KIkan Saus Tiram
Fried Fish With Oyster Sauce
Delivery Price: 80.5KIkan Saus Mentega
Fried Fish With Butter Sauce
Delivery Price: 80.5KSapi Cah Jahe
Beef With Ginger
Delivery Price: 35.5KSapi Saus Lada Hitam
Beef With Black Pepper
Delivery Price: 35.5KSapi Saus Tiram
Beef With Oyster Sauce
Delivery Price: 35.5KSapi Saus Pedas
Beef With Chilli Sauce
Delivery Price: 35.5KSapi Saus Kecap
Beef With Soya Sauce
Delivery Price: 35.5KKambing Saus Lada Hitam
Lamb With Black Pepper
Delivery Price: 38.5KKambing Saus Kecap
Lamb With Soya Sauce
Delivery Price: 38.5KKambing Saus Pedas
Lamb With Chilli Sauce
Delivery Price: 38.5KCumi Goreng Tepung
Squid With Crispy Flour Cover
Delivery Price: 35.5KCumi Lada Garam
Squid With Salted Pepper Sauce
Delivery Price: 37.9KCumi Cabe Kering
Squid With Dried Chilli
Delivery Price: 37.9KCumi Telor Asin
Squid With Salted Egg
Delivery Price: 37.9KCumi Saus Asam Manis
Squid With Sweet Sour Sauce
Delivery Price: 37.9KCumi Saus Mentega
Squid With Butter Sauce
Delivery Price: 37.9KCumi Saus Pedas
Squid With Chilli Sauce
Delivery Price: 37.9KCumi Saus Tiram
Squid With Oyster Sauce
Delivery Price: 37.9KUdang Tepung
Shrimp With Crispy Flour Cover
Delivery Price: 35.5KUdang Lada Garam
Shrimp With Salted Pepper Sauce
Delivery Price: 37.9KUdang Cabe Kering
Shrimp With Dried Chilli
Delivery Price: 37.9KUdang Telor Asin
Shrimp With Salted Egg
Delivery Price: 37.9KUdang Mayonaise
Shrimp With Mayonaise Sauce
Delivery Price: 37.9KUdang Steam Bawang Putih
Udang Saus Asam Manis
Shrimp With Sweet Sour Sauce
Delivery Price: 37.9KUdang Saus Mentega
Shrimp With Butter Sauce
Delivery Price: 37.9KUdang Saus Pedas
Shrimp With Chilli And Chilli Sauce
Delivery Price: 37.9KUdang Saus Tiram
Shrimp With Oyster Sauce
Delivery Price: 37.9KUdang Saus Kecap
Shrimp With Soya Sauce
Delivery Price: 37.9KTeh Panas/Es
Tea Ice/Hot
Delivery Price: 7KJeruk Panas/Es
Orange Ice/Hot
Delivery Price: 10KLemon Tea Es/Panas
Teh Susu Panas/Es
Milk Tea Ice/Hot
Delivery Price: 12KSusu Es/Panas
Teh Jahe Panas
Ginger Tea Hot
Delivery Price: 10KSusu Jahe Panas
Milk Ginger Hot
Delivery Price: 12KKopi Susu Panas/Es
Milk Coffe Ice/Hot
Delivery Price: 10KKopi Hitam
Black Coffe Hot
Delivery Price: 10KAqua Tanggung
Mineral Water
Delivery Price: 7KFanta
Jus Jeruk
Orange Juice
Delivery Price: 17KJus Semangka
Watermelon Juice
Delivery Price: 17KJus Pepaya
Papaya Juice
Delivery Price: 17KJus Melon
Melon Juice
Delivery Price: 17KJus Nanas
Pineapple Juice
Delivery Price: 17KJus Tomat
Tomato Juice
Delivery Price: 17KJus Wortel
Carrot Juice
Delivery Price: 17KJus Buah Naga
Dragon Fruit Juice
Delivery Price: 17KJus Mangga
Mango Juice
Delivery Price: 17KJus Alpukat
Avocado Juice
Delivery Price: 17KDish Reviews Loading......
