Salted Egg
Nasi, telur, dan ayam / dori goreng yang dibalut saus salted egg
Delivery Price: 49.5KBrown Butter
Nasi, telur, dan ayam / dori goreng yang dibalut saus brown butter
Delivery Price: 49.5KHoney Soy
Nasi, telur, dan ayam / dori goreng yang dibalut saus honey soy
Delivery Price: 49.5KSambal
Nasi, telur, dan ayam / dori goreng yang dibalut saus sambal
Delivery Price: 56KFluffy Egg Chicken Rice
Nasi dan ayam goreng, dibalut telur dalam saus gurih - oyakodon ala eatlah
Delivery Price: 49.5KSalted Egg
Jumbo-size nasi, telur, dan ayam / dori goreng yang dibalut saus salted egg
Delivery Price: 68.5KBrown Butter
Jumbo-size nasi, telur, dan ayam / dori goreng yang dibalut saus brown butter
Delivery Price: 68.5KHoney Soy
Jumbo-size nasi, telur, dan ayam / dori goreng yang dibalut saus honey soy
Delivery Price: 68.5KSambal
Jumbo-size nasi, telur, dan ayam / dori goreng yang dibalut saus sambal
Delivery Price: 78.5KSalted Egg
300 gr ayam / dori goreng yang dibalut saus salted egg
Delivery Price: 106.7KBrown Butter
300 gr ayam / dori goreng yang dibalut saus brown butter
Delivery Price: 106.7KHoney Soy
300 gr ayam / dori goreng yang dibalut saus honey soy
Delivery Price: 106.7KSambal
300 gr ayam / dori goreng yang dibalut saus sambal
Delivery Price: 131.7K1 Regular-Size Chicken Rice + 1 Nasgor For Champion + 1 Noods Original
1 Regular-Size Chicken Rice + 1 Nasgor For Champion + 1 Noods Original
Delivery Price: 131.5K2 Regular-Size Chicken Rice + 1 Nasgor For Champion
2 Regular-Size Chicken Rice + 1 Nasgor For Champion
Delivery Price: 142.5KNasgor Eatlah
A Classic Indonesian-Style Nasi Goreng, Created Using Eatlah's Favourite Sauces - With Our Fried Minced Chicken And Scrambled Egg
Delivery Price: 35KNasgor Eatlah For Champion
A Classic Indonesian-Style Nasi Goreng, Created Using Eatlah's Favourite Sauces - With Our Fried Minced Chicken And Scrambled Egg. For Toppings, Choose Your Favourite Eatlah Chicken Variant.
Delivery Price: 43.5KNoods Original
Indomie Goreng Original With Eatlah Sauce Of Your Choice
Delivery Price: 38.5KNoods Ayam Pop
Indomie Goreng Ayam Pop With Eatlah Sauce Of Your Choice
Delivery Price: 43.5KNoods Keriting Goreng Spesial
Indomie Keriting Goreng Special With Eatlah Sauce Of Your Choice
Delivery Price: 43.5KNoods Rendang
Indomie Goreng Rendang With Eatlah Sauce Of Your Choice
Delivery Price: 43.5KBeefbar Original Glazed
Nasi, Telur Mata Sapi, Dan Daging Sapi Shortplate Yang Dibalut Saus Original Glazed
Delivery Price: 59KBeefbar Spicy Glazed
Nasi, Telur Mata Sapi, Dan Daging Sapi Shortplate Yang Dibalut Saus Spicy Glazed
Delivery Price: 59KBeefbar Chilli Beef
Nasi, Telur Mata Sapi, Dan Daging Sapi Shortplate Yang Dibalut Saus Chilli Beef
Delivery Price: 59KHappy Size Salted Egg Chicken Rice
Nasi Dan Ayam Goreng Yang Dibalut Saus Telur Asin Dikemas Dalam Porsi Ekonomis
Delivery Price: 32.5KHappy Size Brown Butter Chicken Rice
Nasi Dan Ayam Goreng Yang Dibalut Saus Brown Butter Dikemas Dalam Porsi Ekonomis
Delivery Price: 32.5KHappy Size Honey Soy (Hasoy) Chicken Rice
Nasi Dan Ayam Goreng Yang Dibalut Saus Honey Soy Dikemas Dalam Porsi Ekonomis
Delivery Price: 32.5KHappy Size Sambal Chicken Rice
Nasi Dan Ayam Goreng Yang Dibalut Saus Sambal Dikemas Dalam Porsi Ekonomis
Delivery Price: 35.5KDuo Eatlah
Custom Eatlah Duo Dengan Nasi Dan Telur Pilih 2 Saus Untuk Setiap Box
Delivery Price: 97KSetlah Kiddo
1 Kiddo-Size Eatlah + 1 Chocolate Milk (190 Ml)
Delivery Price: 46KParty Of Three
2 Eatlah Beefbar (Any Variant) + 1 Regular-Size Chicken Rice (Any Variant)
Delivery Price: 168.5KDish Reviews Loading......