Circle K HARLEY gatsu timur, tonja
Es Kopi Susu Gula Aren
Espresso, Susu & Gula Aren
Delivery Price: 18KEs Kopi Susu Coklat
Espresso, Susu & Dark Chocolate
Delivery Price: 18KEs Susu Strawberry
Es Susu & Strawberry
Delivery Price: 18KEs Kopi Latte
Espresso & Susu
Delivery Price: 18KBoba Cheese Brown Sugar
Boba Brown Sugar With Topping Cheese Cream
Delivery Price: 25KHokkaido Iced Milk Tea
Minuman Milk Tea Yang Milky Banget Dan Aroma Tehnya Nyegerin, Ukuran Large
Delivery Price: 22KIced Tea Original Large
Minuman Dengan Aroma Teh Yang Menyegarkan, Ukuran Large
Delivery Price: 15KIced Lychee Tea Large
Minuman Dengan Aroma Teh Berbalut Lychee Yang Menyegarkan, Ukuran Large
Delivery Price: 15KUbetaro Cheese
Minuman Dari Bahan Ube Pilihan Yang Rasanya Sweet & Cheesy, Ukuran Large
Delivery Price: 22KIced Thai Tea Large
Minuman Teh Khas Thailand Yang Rasa Teh Dan Susunya Nikmat, Ukuran Large
Delivery Price: 22KChoco Caramel
Minuman Cokelat Dingin Yang Nikmat Dengan Rasa Caramel
Delivery Price: 22KChocomaltin
Minuman Cokelat Dingin Yang Nikmat Dengan Sensasi Chocomalt
Delivery Price: 22KIced Lemonade With Popping Boba
Iced Lemonade With Popping Boba
Delivery Price: 22KIced Pinacolada With Popping Boba
Iced Pinacolada With Popping Boba
Delivery Price: 22KStrawberry Korean Latte
Strawberry Korean Latte
Delivery Price: 22KKurma Coffee Latte
Kurma Coffee Latte
Delivery Price: 22KKurma Milk
Kurma Milk
Delivery Price: 22KKurma Chocolate Milk
Kurma Chocolate Milk
Delivery Price: 22KFroster Choco 16 Oz
Signature Product Dari Circle K Berupa Minuman Slushy Dengan Butiran Es Yang Lembut Dengan Rasa Coklat
Delivery Price: 15KFroster Cheese Milk 16 Oz
Signature Product Dari Circle K Berupa Minuman Slushy Dengan Butiran Es Yang Lembut Dengan Rasa Cheese Milk
Delivery Price: 15KDalgona Coffee Brown Sugar
Iced Coffee With Topping Dalgona Brown Sugar
Delivery Price: 20KTokyo Cheesy Banana
Minuman Dengan Rasa Banana Yang Unik, Cheesy N’ Creamy, Ukuran Large
Delivery Price: 22KChoco Hazelnut
Minuman Cokelat Dingin Yang Nikmat Dengan Rasa Hazelnut
Delivery Price: 22KFroster Strawberry 16 Oz
Signature Product Dari Circle K Berupa Minuman Slushy Dengan Butiran Es Yang Lembut Dengan Rasa Strawberry
Delivery Price: 15KCombo Ber 5 Hot Dog Beef
Combo Ber 5 Hot Dog Beef
Delivery Price: 110KCombo Ber 5 Es Kopi Susu Gula Aren
Combo Ber 5 Es Kopi Susu Gula Aren
Delivery Price: 90KCombo Double 2 Kebab Beef Roll + 2 Iced Lychee Tea Large
Combo Double 2 Kebab Beef Roll + 2 Iced Lychee Tea Large
Delivery Price: 74KCombo Double 2 Hot Dog Beef Chili Con Carne + 2 Iced Lychee Tea Large
Combo Double 2 Hot Dog Beef Chili Con Carne + 2 Iced Lychee Tea Large
Delivery Price: 74KCombo Double 2 Hot Dog Chicken Chili Con Carne + 2 Iced Lychee Tea Large
Combo Double 2 Hot Dog Chicken Chili Con Carne + 2 Iced Lychee Tea Large
Delivery Price: 74KCombo Double 2 Kebab Crispy Chicken+2 Iced Lychee Tea Large
Combo Double 2 Kebab Crispy Chicken+2 Iced Lychee Tea Large
Delivery Price: 74KCombo Double 2 Kebab Crispy Chicken+2 Iced Thai Tea Large
Combo Double 2 Kebab Crispy Chicken+2 Iced Thai Tea Large
Delivery Price: 88KCombo Double 2 Hot Dog Beef+2 Iced Thai Tea Large
Combo Double 2 Hot Dog Beef+2 Iced Thai Tea Large
Delivery Price: 88KCombo Double 2 Hot Dog Chicken+2 Iced Thai Tea Large
Combo Double 2 Hot Dog Chicken+2 Iced Thai Tea Large
Delivery Price: 88KCombo Kebab Crispy Chicken + Iced Tea Original Large
Combo Kebab Crispy Chicken + Iced Tea Original Large
Delivery Price: 37KCombo Burger Crispy + Iced Thai Tea Large
Combo Burger Crispy + Iced Thai Tea Large
Delivery Price: 44KCombo Daebak 1
Odeng Premium, Hotbar, 2 Cheese Dumpling
Delivery Price: 30KCombo Daebak 2
Odeng Premium Spicy, Hotbar, 2 Cheese Dumpling
Delivery Price: 30KCombo Daebak 3
2 Odeng Bulat, 2 Vegetable Fishball, 2 Salmon Fishball, 2 Cheese Dumpling
Delivery Price: 30KKopi Kedai Susu Kental Manis
Paduan Kopi Traditional Dicampur Dengan Susu Yang Nikmat
Delivery Price: 12KKopi Kedai Hitam
Kopi Hitam Dengan Cita Rasa Traditional Dari Biji Kopi Pilihan
Delivery Price: 12KHot Choco Caramel
Minuman Cokelat Hangat Yang Nikmat Dengan Rasa Caramel
Delivery Price: 15KHot Chocomaltin
Minuman Cokelat Hangat Yang Nikmat Dengan Sensasi Chocomalt
Delivery Price: 15KHot Choco Hazelnut
Minuman Cokelat Hangat Yang Nikmat Dengan Rasa Hazelnut
Delivery Price: 15KHot Dog Beef Chili Con Carne
Hot Dog Beef With Chili Con Carne Sauce
Delivery Price: 22KHot Dog Chicken Chili Con Carne
Hot Dog Chicken With Chili Con Carne Sauce
Delivery Price: 22KSosis Bakar Beef
Sosis Dari Daging Sapi Pilihan Dipadukan Dengan Racikan Bumbu Special Dan Saus Lada Hitam
Delivery Price: 15KSosis Bakar Chicken
Sosis Dari Daging Ayam Pilihan Dipadukan Dengan Racikan Bumbu Special Dan Saus Lada Hitam
Delivery Price: 15KBurger Beef
Burger Dengan Beef Patties Yang Tebal Dan Saus Keju Yang Gurih.
Delivery Price: 22KKebab Beef Roll
Kebab Bercitarasa Premium, Dengan Racikan Bumbu Turki Yang Nikmat
Delivery Price: 22KBurger Crispy Chicken
Burger Dengan Chicken Patties Yang Tebal Dan Saus Keju Yang Gurih.
Delivery Price: 22KKebab Crispy Chicken
Kebab Bercitarasa Premium, Dengan Racikan Bumbu Turki Yang Nikmat
Delivery Price: 22KRoti Bakar Coklat
Roti Bakar Dengan Isian Coklat Yang Lumer Dan Crunchy
Delivery Price: 22KPanini Sandwich Smoked Beef
Panini Sandwich Dengan Isian Smoked Beef Yang Menggugah Selera
Delivery Price: 25KPanini Sandwich Crispy Chicken
Panini Sandwich Dengan Isian Patties Ayam Yang Crispy Dan Nikmat
Delivery Price: 25KPanini Sandwich Beef Blackpepper
Panini Sandwich Dengan Isian Patties Daging Sapi Dengan Saus Blackpepper Yang Menggugah Selera
Delivery Price: 25KCorndog Sosis Mozzarella
Corndog Sosis Mozzarella
Delivery Price: 26KGimmari
Delivery Price: 16KSiomay Goreng
Siomay Goreng
Delivery Price: 9.5KRoti Grg Chili Con Carne 70Gr
Roti Grg Chili Con Carne 70Gr
Delivery Price: 16KRoti Grg Cokelat 70Gr
Roti Grg Cokelat 70Gr
Delivery Price: 16KOtak-Otak Singapore Mini
Otak-Otak Singapore Mini
Delivery Price: 9.5KSalmon Fishball
Salmon Fishball
Delivery Price: 9.5KVegetable Fishball
Vegetable Fishball
Delivery Price: 9.5KOtak-Otak Singapore Flat
Otak-Otak Singapore Flat
Delivery Price: 9.5KHotbar Crab
Hotbar Crab
Delivery Price: 9.5KOkado
Delivery Price: 22KChicken Gyoza
Chicken Gyoza
Delivery Price: 16KRoti Goreng Ayam
Roti Goreng Ayam
Delivery Price: 16KKroket Chicken Veggie
Kroket Chicken Veggie
Delivery Price: 9.5KDish Reviews Loading......