Warung Men Dolar
Es Jeruk
Delivery Price: 8K
Es Teh
Delivery Price: 5.5K
Es Gula
Delivery Price: 5.5K
Sate Babi Men Dolar
Bumbu Bali
Delivery Price: 11.5KNasi Sate + Kuah Balung Babi
Bumbu Kas Bali
Delivery Price: 28KNasi Lawar Guling Samsam
Delivery Price: 28K
Nasi Lawar Be Genyol Biasa
Delivery Price: 20K
Nasi Lawar Be Genyol Lengkap
Delivery Price: 25K
Nasi Bakar Ayam
Delivery Price: 12K
Nasi Kuning Ayam
Delivery Price: 15K
Nasi Kuning Babi
Delivery Price: 15K
Nasi Bakar Pindang
Delivery Price: 12K
Nasi Bakar Kakuk
Delivery Price: 12K
Lawar Karang Ayam
Delivery Price: 270K
Lawar Karang Babi
Delivery Price: 300K
Guling Sam-Sam 1 Kg
Delivery Price: 220K
Ayam Betutu 1 Ekor
Delivery Price: 100K
Kerupuk Men Dolar
Delivery Price: 2K
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