Grafika Sunset Road
Bubur Sapi Cincang & Telur Ayam
Choped Beef and Raw Egg Rice Porridge
Delivery Price: 42KBubur Seafood Laota 👍
Seafood Rice Porridge
Delivery Price: 57.6KBubur Daging Kerapu 👍
Fish Fillet Rice Porridge
Delivery Price: 45.6KBubur Ayam
Chicken Rice Porridge
Delivery Price: 42KBubur Cumi-Cumi
Squid Rice Porridge
Delivery Price: 45.6KBubur Kodok (Live)
Frog Rice Porridge
Delivery Price: 54KBubur Pelangi Laota 👍
Rainbow Porridge (7 kinds of Seafood and Beef dishes)
Delivery Price: 55.2KBubur Kepiting Telur (3 Ons)
Crab Rice Porridge
Delivery Price: 144KBubur Kepiting Telur Super (3 Ons)
Super Crab Rice Porridge
Delivery Price: 180KBubur Belut
Eel Rice Porridge
Delivery Price: 43.2KAyam Asam Manis
Sweet and Sour Chicken
Delivery Price: 78KSapo Tahu Seafood 👍
Claypot Tofu Seafood
Delivery Price: 81.6KUdang Tumis Kacang Mente
Stir-Fried Shrimp with cashews
Delivery Price: 96KUdang Goreng Gandum
Cereal Butter Egg Prawn
Delivery Price: 102KUdang Tumis Bawang Prey
Stir-Fried Shrimp with leeks
Delivery Price: 96KUdang Tumis Lada Hitam
Blackpepper Shrimp
Delivery Price: 96KBelut Shanghai
Shanghai Style Stir-Fried Eel
Delivery Price: 81.6KBelut Tiga Rasa
3 style Stir-Fried Eel
Delivery Price: 81.6KBelut Tumis Bawang Prey
Stir-Fried Eel with Leeks
Delivery Price: 81.6KBelut Tumis Cabe
Stir-Fried Chili Eel
Delivery Price: 81.6KCumi-Cumi Krispy Mayonaise
Deep Fried Calamari with Mayonaise
Delivery Price: 81.6KCumi-Cumi Steam Ala Hongkong
Steamed Squid Hongkong Style
Delivery Price: 78KUdang Krispy Mayonaise 👍
Deep Fried Shrimp with mayonaise sauces
Delivery Price: 96KUdang Siram Telur
Shrimp Omelette
Delivery Price: 66KUdang Steam Bawang Putih
Steamed Shrimp With Minced Garlic
Delivery Price: 96KUdang Tumis Cabe
Stir-Fried Sambal Shrimp
Delivery Price: 96KUdang Tumis Telur Asin
Stir-Fried Salted Egg Shrimp
Delivery Price: 96KUdang Mabuk (Live) (5 Ons)
Drunken Shrimp
Delivery Price: 330KKepiting Lada Hitam (5 Ons)
BlackPepper Crab
Delivery Price: 240KKepiting Saos Padang (5 Ons)
Spicy Crab Padang Sauce
Delivery Price: 48KKepiting Steam Hua Tiao Chiew (Live) (5 Ons)
Hua Tia Chiew Steamed Crab
Delivery Price: 240KKepiting Steam Hua Tiao Chiew (Super) (5 Ons)
Hua Tia Chiew Steamed Super Crab
Delivery Price: 300KKepiting Super Lada Hitam (5 Ons)
Blackpepper Super Crab
Delivery Price: 300KKepiting Super Saos Padang (5 Ons)
Spicy Super Crab Padang Sauce
Delivery Price: 60KKepiting Super Tumis Bawang Prey (5 Ons)
Stir-Fried Super Crab with Leek
Delivery Price: 300KKepiting Super Tumis Telur Asin (5 Ons)
Salted Egg Super Crab
Delivery Price: 300KKepiting Tumis Bawang Prey (5 Ons)
Stir-Fried Crab with Leek
Delivery Price: 240KKepiting Tumis Telur Asin (5 Ons)
Salted Egg Crab
Delivery Price: 240KLobster Bamboo Dua Rasa: Sashimi & Sop Kepala (Live) *Ask Stock
Bamboo Lobster Sashimi and Soup
Delivery Price: 216KLobster Bamboo Steam Bawang Putih (Live) *Ask Stock
Steamed Bamboo Lobster With Minced Garlic
Delivery Price: 156KLobster Pearl Dua Rasa: Sashimi & Sop Kepala (Live) *Ask Stock
2 style Lobster in Sashimi and Soup
Delivery Price: 156KLobster Pearl Steam Bawang Putih *Ask Stock
Steamed Pearl Lobster With Minced Garlic
Delivery Price: 216KTiram Siram Telur
Oyster Omelette
Delivery Price: 66KUdang Rebus Ala Hongkong (5 Ons)
Steamed Shrimp in Hongkong style
Delivery Price: 300KUdang Saos Lemon (5 Ons)
Lemon Sauce Shrimp
Delivery Price: 96KDaging Ikan Kerapu Krispy Mayonaise
Deep Fried Grouper Fillet with mayonaise sauces
Delivery Price: 81.6KDaging Kerapu Tumis Bawang Prey
Stir-Fried Grouper Fish with leek
Delivery Price: 81.6KIkan Gurami Goreng Ala Hongkong (6 Ons)
Hongkong Style Deep Fried Giant Gourami
Delivery Price: 180KIkan Gurami Goreng Asam Manis (6 Ons)
Sweet and Sour Deep Fried Giant Gourami
Delivery Price: 180KIkan Gurami Goreng Tahu Tausi (6 Ons)
Daochu Tofu Style Deep Fried Giant Gourami
Delivery Price: 180KIkan Kerapu Goreng Ala Hongkong (7 Ons)
Hongkong Style Deep Fried Grouper Fish
Delivery Price: 210KIkan Kerapu Steam (Fresh) (7 Ons)
Steamed Grouper Fish
Delivery Price: 210KIkan Kerapu Steam (Live) (7 Ons)
Steamed Grouper Fish Live
Delivery Price: 630KBebek Panggang 1 Ekor
Roasted Duck (whole duck)
Delivery Price: 384KBebek Panggang 1/2 Ekor
Roasted Duck (Half duck)
Delivery Price: 192KBebek Panggang 1/4 Ekor
Ayam Goreng Saos Lemon
Deep Fried Chicken with Lemon Sauces
Delivery Price: 81.6KAyam Panggang 1 Ekor
Roasted Chicken
Delivery Price: 216KAyam Panggang 1/2 Ekor
Roasted Chicken (Half Chicken)
Delivery Price: 108KAyam Steam Jamur
Mushroom Steamed Chicken
Delivery Price: 72KAyam Steam Tausi
Douchi Steamed Chicken
Delivery Price: 72KAyam Tumis Kacang Mente
Stir-Fried Chicken with Cashwes
Delivery Price: 81.6KAyam Tumis Lada Hitam
Blackpepper Chicken
Delivery Price: 81.6KAyam Putih Ala Hongkong
Steamed Chicken in Hongkong Style
Delivery Price: 96KSapi Steam Tungcay
Steamed Minced Beef
Delivery Price: 72KSapi Tumis Lada Hitam
Blackpepper Beef
Delivery Price: 84KTelor Dadar Bawang Prey
Omelette mixed with Leeks
Delivery Price: 60KTelor Dadar Bawang Bombay
Omelette mixed with Onion
Delivery Price: 60KTelor Dadar Polos
Delivery Price: 42KTelur Phitan
Thousand Year Old Egg
Delivery Price: 18KTelor Dadar Jaipo
Preserved Turnip Omelette
Delivery Price: 60KBaby Buncis Tumis Daging Sapi
Stir-Fried Green Beans with Beef Meat
Delivery Price: 81.6KBaby Buncis Tumis Bawang Putih
Stir-Fried Green Beans with Minced Garlic
Delivery Price: 54KBrokoli Tumis Daging Sapi
Stir-Fried Broccoli with Sliced Beef Meat
Delivery Price: 81.6KSawi Hijau Saus Tiram
Sawi Hijau Tumis Bawang Putih
Stir-Fried Choy Sum with Minced Garlic
Delivery Price: 48KBrokoli Tumis Bawang Putih
Stir-Fried Broccoli With Sliced Beef
Delivery Price: 66KBrokoli Tumis Saos Tiram
Oyster Sauces Broccoli
Delivery Price: 66KCamiau Tumis Bawang Putih
Kailan Tumis Bawang Putih
Stir-Fried Kale With Garlic
Delivery Price: 66KKailan Tumis Daging Sapi
Stir-Fried Gai Lan with Beef Meat
Delivery Price: 81.6KKangkung Tumis Terasi
Stir-Fried Water Spinach with Fermented Shrimp Sauce
Delivery Price: 48KLektus Saos Tiram
Oyster Sauces Lettuce
Delivery Price: 54KLektus Tumis Bawang Putih
Stir-Fried Lettuce with Minced Garlic
Delivery Price: 54KSawi Putih Tumis Bawang Putih
Stir-Fried Napa Cabbage with Minced Garlic
Delivery Price: 48KSio Pak Coy Saos Tiram
Oyster Sauces Bok Choy
Delivery Price: 48KSio Pak Coy Tumis Bawang Putih
Stir-Fried Bok Choy
Delivery Price: 48KTauge Tumis Ikan Asin
Stir-Fried Bean Sprout With Salted Fish
Delivery Price: 66KBunga Kucai Tumis Bawang Putih
Stir-Fried Garlic Chieves Flowers with Minced Garlic
Delivery Price: 54KKapri Manis Tumis Bawang Putih
Stir-Fried Snow Peas with Minced Garlic
Delivery Price: 60KKucai Tumis Bawang Putih
Stir-Fried Garlic Chieves
Delivery Price: 60KKucai Tumis Udang
Stir-Fried Garlic Chieves with Shrimp
Delivery Price: 60KPoa Cay Tumis Bawang Putih
Tomeo Tumis Bawang Putih
Stir-Fried Tomeo with Minced Garlic
Delivery Price: 66KSup Bakso Sapi
Meatballs Soup
Delivery Price: 36KSup Bakso Ikan
Fish Balls Soup
Delivery Price: 36KSup Kepala Ikan Kerapu Large
Fish Head Soup
Delivery Price: 66KSup Kepala Ikan Kerapu Small
Fish Head Soup Small
Delivery Price: 54KSup Kepiting Jagung Large
Corn Crab Soup
Delivery Price: 72KSup Ayam Jagung Large
Corn Chicken Soup
Delivery Price: 72KSup Ayam Jagung Small
Corn Chicken Soup Small
Delivery Price: 66KSup Poa Cay Telur Phitan & Telur Asin
Bubur Polos
Bubur Sapi Iris
Porridge With Sliced Beef
Delivery Price: 42KBubur Udang
Porridge With King Prawn
Delivery Price: 54KNasi Putih
Steam Rice
Delivery Price: 10.8KTelur Asin
Telur Ayam Kampung
Chicken Egg
Delivery Price: 10.8KFu Yung Hai
Chinese Cruller
Delivery Price: 10.8KLalila Crispy Ala Hongkong
Deep Fried Fish Fillet with Homemade Sauces
Delivery Price: 84KLumpia Salad Udang
Fresh shrimp spring roll
Delivery Price: 38.4KJus Wortel Dan Jeruk
Carrot & Orange Fresh
Delivery Price: 24KAir Mineral
Mineral Water
Delivery Price: 18KEs Kopi
Ice Coffee
Delivery Price: 24KEs Teh Lemon
Ice Lemon Tea
Delivery Price: 24KEs Teh Susu
Ice Milk Tea
Delivery Price: 30KGreen Wong
Green Wong
Delivery Price: 33.6KJus Apel
Apple Juice
Delivery Price: 30KJus Belimbing
Star Fruit Juice
Delivery Price: 30KJus Jeruk
Fresh Orange Juice
Delivery Price: 24KJus Tomat
Tomato Juice
Delivery Price: 24KKopi Susu
Black Coffee Milk
Delivery Price: 30KSprite
Delivery Price: 21.6KTeh Botol Sosro
Teh Sosro (Bottle)
Delivery Price: 15.6KTeh Coco Shanghai
The Coco Shanghai
Delivery Price: 33.6KTeh Susu Panas
Hot Milk Tea
Delivery Price: 30KJus Mangga
Mango Juice
Delivery Price: 24KJus Mangga Straberry Sunkist
Manggo Strawberry Sunkist
Delivery Price: 30KJus Mangga Sunkist Pir
Manggo Sunkist Pear
Delivery Price: 30KJus Strawberry Sunkist Melon
Strawberry Sunkist Melon
Delivery Price: 30KJus Sunkist
Sunkist Juice
Delivery Price: 30KMango Berry
Mango Berry
Delivery Price: 33.6KMango Tango
Mango Tango
Delivery Price: 33.6KMint Taste
Mint Taste
Delivery Price: 33.6KMix Juice
Strawberry Sunkist Starfruit
Delivery Price: 30KRed Frozen
Red Frozen
Delivery Price: 33.6KRonde Hongkong
Sari Kedelai
Soybean Milk
Delivery Price: 19.2KTeh China (Oolong/Jasmine)
Chinese Tea (Oolong/Jasmine)
Delivery Price: 33.6KTeh Panas Cup (Lipton)
Hot Tea Cup (Lipton)
Delivery Price: 19.2KIce Tea
Black Coffee
Black Coffe
Delivery Price: 24KHot Tea
Lemon Juice
Pear Juice
Watermelon Juice
Avocado Juice
Avocado Juice
Delivery Price: 24KMelon Juice
Strawberry Juice
Coca Cola
Fanta Strawberry
Kodok Tumis Bawang Prey
Stir-Fried Frog
Delivery Price: 78KKodok Tumis Cabe
Chilli Frog
Delivery Price: 78KBakso Ikan
Fish Ball
Delivery Price: 336KBakso Sapi
Meat Ball
Delivery Price: 336KCumi-Cumi
Delivery Price: 336KDaging Ayam (Tambahan)
Chicken meat (Add On)
Delivery Price: 31.2KDaging Has Sapi (Sirloin) (Tambahan)
Sirloin (Add On)
Delivery Price: 33.6KDaging Ikan Kerapu
Fish Fillet
Delivery Price: 336KKekian Ikan Tengiri
Minced Fish Roll
Delivery Price: 336KSawi Putih
Chinese Cabbage
Delivery Price: 336KSelada
Delivery Price: 336KSohun
Rice Noodles
Delivery Price: 336KTahu Isi Tenggiri
Tofu with fish filling
Delivery Price: 336KTofu
Delivery Price: 336KUdang Hidup
Fresh Shrimp
Delivery Price: 336KPotongan Buah Segar
Fresh Fruits
Delivery Price: 48KDish Reviews Loading......
