Ayam Bakar Mertua
Nasi + Ayam Bakar + Sambal + Lalapan
Delivery Price: 36KBebek Bakar Mertua
Nasi + Bebek Bakar + Sambal + Lalapan
Delivery Price: 60KIga Bakar Mertua
Nasi + Iga Bakar 2Pcs + Sambal +Lalapan
Delivery Price: 62.5KFrench Fries
With Chili Sauce
Delivery Price: 32.5KSpring Roll Tofu Skin With Vegetable
Ayam Lalapan Mertua (Fried Chicken)
Ayam 1Pc+Tahu+Tempe+Sambal Ijo / Sambal Merah + Lalapan
Delivery Price: 35KAyam Lalapan Sambel Bawang Pedasss (Spicy Fried Chicken )
Nasi + Ayam +Tahu Tempe+ Lalapan + Sambal
Delivery Price: 33KAyam Popcorn (Chicken Popcorn)
Only Chicken
Delivery Price: 38KBebek Goreng Mertua (Fried Duck)
Nasi + Bebek 1Pc + Tahu + Tempe + + Sambal Ijo +Sambal Merah + Lalapan
Delivery Price: 60KGurami Goreng (Fried Fish Big Size)
Nasi + Gurami 1Pc + Tahu + Tempe + Lalapan + Sambel
Delivery Price: 70KLele Lalapan
Nasi + Lele + Tahu + Tempe + Sambal Ijo /Sambal Merah + Lalapan
Delivery Price: 23.5KTahu Tempe Lalapan
Nasi + Tahu + Tempe + Sambal Ijo / Sambal Merah + Lalapan
Delivery Price: 22.5KAti Ampela Lalapan
Nasi + 1 Ati Ampela + Tahu + Tempe + Sambal Ijo /Sambal Merah + Lalapan
Delivery Price: 23.5KTahu Tempe Terong Goreng
Tempe, Tahu, Terong Goreng +Sambel
Delivery Price: 30KTerong Goreng
Terong Goreng + Sambal
Delivery Price: 15KNasi Putih
Iga Penyet Mertua
Nasi + Iga Sapi + Sambal + Lalapan
Delivery Price: 75KBebek Rica Rica Mertua
Bebek + Nasi
Delivery Price: 75KNasi Tempong Ayam Bakar
Nasi + Ayam Bakar + Kulupan Sayur + Tempe Tahu Terong + Sambal
Delivery Price: 60.5KNasi Tempong Ayam Goreng
Nasi + Ayam + Kulupan Sayur + Tempe Tahu + Sambal
Delivery Price: 45.5KNasi Tempong Bebek Goreng
Nasi + Bebek + Kulupan Sayur + Tahu Tempe + Sambal
Delivery Price: 75.5KNasi Tempong Bebek Bakar
Nasi + Bebek Bakar + Kulupan Sayur + Tahu Tempe + Sambal
Delivery Price: 80.5KNasi Tempong Ikan Asin
Nasi + Ikan Asin + Kulupan Sayur + Tahu Tempe + Sambal
Delivery Price: 27.5KNasi Tempong Mujair
Nasi + Mujair + Kulupan Sayur + Tahu Tempe + Sambal
Delivery Price: 40.5KNasi Tempong Gurame
Nasi + Gurame + Kulupan Sayur + Tahu Tempe + Sambal
Delivery Price: 65KNasi Tempong Lele
Nasi + Lele + Kulupan Sayur + Tahu Tempe + Sambal
Delivery Price: 28KNasi Tempong Ati Ampela
Nasi + Ati Ampela + Kulupan Sayur + Tahu Tempe + Sambal
Delivery Price: 28KNasi Tempong Tahu Tempe
Nasi + Kulupan Sayur + Tahu Tempe + Sambal
Delivery Price: 25KNasi Kulit Mertua Sambal Matah
Nasi + Kulit Ayam + Telur + Kol Goreng + Serundeng + Sambal
Delivery Price: 59KNasi Kulit Sambal Bawang
Nasi + Kulit Ayam + Telur + Kol Goreng + Serundeng + Sambal
Delivery Price: 57KNasi Kulit Sambal Ijo
Nasi + Kulit Ayam + Telur + Kol Goreng + Serundeng + Sambal
Delivery Price: 55KKulit Mertua
Sup Iga Mertua ( Ribs Soup )
Nasi + Iga + Sayuran + Sambal
Delivery Price: 62.5KSup Ayam ( Chicken Soup )
Nasi + Ayam + Sayur + Sambal
Delivery Price: 45KSup Daging Sapi
Nasi + Daging + Sayuran + Sambal
Delivery Price: 53.5KRawon Sapi
Nasi + Daging Sapi + Sambal
Delivery Price: 45KRawon Iga Sapi
Nasi + Iga Sapi + Sambal
Delivery Price: 65KKare Ayam ( Chicken Curry )
Nasi + Ayam + Kentang + Sambal
Delivery Price: 45KAyam Pedas Kemangi
Nasi + Ayam Pedas Bisa Reques.(Ayam Berkuah / Kering)
Delivery Price: 40KSoto Betawi ( Beef Soup )
Nasi + Daging Sapi + Sayuran
Delivery Price: 47.5KSoto Ayam ( Javanese Chicken Soup )
Nasi + Soto Ayam + Sambal
Delivery Price: 53KSoto Ceker
Soto Ceker
Delivery Price: 18.5KTongseng Sapi
Nasi + Daging Sapi + Sayur
Delivery Price: 70KTongseng Ayam
Nasi + Ayam + Sayuran + Kuah
Delivery Price: 37KTongseng Iga Sapi
Nasi + Iga Sapi + Sayur + Sambal
Delivery Price: 65KGulai Ayam
Nasi + Ayam + Sambal
Delivery Price: 47KGulai Iga
Nasi + Iga + Sambal
Delivery Price: 65KGulai Daging Sapi
Nasi + Sapi + Sambal
Delivery Price: 65KNasi Gandul
Nasi + Sapi + Sambal
Delivery Price: 35KSup Kepala Salmon
Nasi + Kepala Salmon + Sayur + Sambal
Delivery Price: 65KKwetiau Beef Special Mertua
Kwetiau + Daging Sapi
Delivery Price: 47.5KKwetiau Seafood Special Mertua
Kwetiau + Udang
Delivery Price: 45.5KKwetiau Chicken
Kwetiau + Daging Ayam
Delivery Price: 48.5KKwetiau Vegetarian
Kwetiau + Vegetable
Delivery Price: 32.5KAyam Betutu
Nasi + Ayam Nyat Nyat(Ayam Bumbu Khas Balines)
Delivery Price: 32.5KBebek Betutu Mertua
Bebek Betutu + Nasi
Delivery Price: 65.5KMujair Nyat Nyat
Nasi+1 Mujair Nyat2 Ukuran Sdng+Sambel
Delivery Price: 47KGurame Nyat Nyat
Nasi + Gurame + Lalapan
Delivery Price: 72.5KNasi Goreng Ayam (Chicken Fried Rice)
Nasi Goreng + Ayam Suir + Telur + Sayur
Delivery Price: 28.5KNasi Goreng Seafood (Fried Rice With Shrimp)
Nasi Goreng + Udang + Telur + Timun
Delivery Price: 37.5KNasi Goreng Rendang Sapi (Fried Rice With Beef)
Nasi Goreng + Rendang Sapi + Telur + Sayur + Timun
Delivery Price: 45KNasi Goreng Ayam Bakar (Fried Rice With Grilled Chicken)
Nasi Goreng + Telur + Ayam Bakar
Delivery Price: 47.5KNasi Goreng Mertua Spesial Pedass ( Spicy Fried Rice )
Nasi Goreng Pedas+Ayam Suir+Telor+Sayur
Delivery Price: 45KNasi Goreng Jawa (Javanese Fried Rice)
Nasi Goreng (Tanpa Saos Kecap) + Ayam + Telur +
Delivery Price: 29.5KNasi Goreng Biasa (Vegetable Fried Rice)
Nasi Goreng + Telur + Sayur
Delivery Price: 27.5KMie Goreng Ayam (Chicken Fried Noodle)
Mie Goreng Seafood (Fried Noodle With Shrimp)
Mie Goreng + Telur + Udang
Delivery Price: 37.5KAyam Saus Padang
Ayam Saus Padang + Nasi
Delivery Price: 43KGurame Saus Padang
Gurame Saus Padang + Nasi
Delivery Price: 60KMujair Saus Padang
Mujair Saus Padang + Nasi
Delivery Price: 47.5KTumis Kangkung
Plecing Kangkung
Capcay Ayam
Capcay Seafood ( Mix Vagatable With Shrimp )
Capcay + Udang
Delivery Price: 37.5K