Bitedown (eatery)
Burger Frack
Burger di kombinasikan dengan element bumbu Ayam geprek. komposisi di dalamnya roti burger, bawang bombai , tomat timun segar di balut mayonise dan pattie ayam di lumuri sambal ayam geprek yang khas, Percampuran kuliner barat dan indoneisa.
Delivery Price: 23.5KHot Breast Crispy And Destroy Chicken
Dada ayam di geprek dengan sambal ciri khas bitedown + nasi
Delivery Price: 25KBurger + Nuget + Ice Tea Tarik (3combo)
3 kombo menu special
Delivery Price: 50KIndomie +chicken Frack
Indomie + Ayam Fillet Pop + Sambal Ayam Geprek
Delivery Price: 19.5KRice Hate Bowl
Ayam Fillet + Sambal Special Ayam Geprek +Telur +Nasi +Sayuran Lengkap
Delivery Price: 23.5KIndomie Goreng Fried Eggs
Indomie Goreng + Telur Goreng
Delivery Price: 17.5KRice Hate Bowl Sauce Pedas Manis
Nasi +Telur + Dada Fillet +Sauce Pedas Manis+ Sayur Lengkap
Delivery Price: 23.5KRice Hate Bowl Sauce Teriyaki
Nasi + telur + ayam mix teriyaki + sayur lengkap
Delivery Price: 23.5KRice Hate Bowl Sauce Barbeque
Nasi+ Ayam BBQ + Telur + Sayur Lengkap
Delivery Price: 23.5KBurger Rise Of Katsu
Buns Roti Special + Chicken Katsu + Sauce Teriyaki
Delivery Price: 25KBurger Knocked Beef Loose
Special Beef Patty + Special Sauce
Delivery Price: 30KHot Thighs Crispy And Destroy Chicken
Paha ayam di geprek dengan sambal ciri khas bitedown + nasi
Delivery Price: 20KHot Wings Crispy And Destroy
Sayap Ayam Krispy + Nasi + Sambal Special
Delivery Price: 15KChicken Flaming Nuget Kickflip
Nuget ayam di campur dengan sambal khas ayam geprek bitedown (nuget di buat di dapur hell kitchen bitedown dengan komposisi dan rasa yang nikmat, di jamin aman tanpa bahan pengawet dan khalal bersertifikat MUI
Delivery Price: 18.5KHellfricer (ketang Goreng)
Kentang gurih bertoping mayonise dengan saus pedas dan manis
Delivery Price: 15KBread Of Maryam
Susu+ Keju+Chocolate
Delivery Price: 18.5KIce Lemon Tea
Great tea for mix with love part Lemon (tea + lemon)
Delivery Price: 10KIce Chocolate
Original chocolate (hot creamy chocolate + great ice )
Delivery Price: 13.5KIce Tea Tarik
Great tea for mix with love part milk (tea + milk )
Delivery Price: 11.5KChoco Black Oreo
Coffe Black Sabbath Milk Classic
Great Robusta Coffe Mix Milk
Delivery Price: 18KChoco Hazelnute
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