The best Hot Tea in Uluwatu

Teh Hangat || Hot Tea
@ Warung Muslim Bu Sherly Banyuwangi

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Green Tea Latte
@ Bonbon Coffee and Eatery

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Green Tea (Matcha) Latte
@ He'enalu Cafe And Resto

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Lemon Tea
@ He'enalu Cafe And Resto

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Hot Tea
@ He'enalu Cafe And Resto

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Hot Earl Grey Tea
@ He'enalu Cafe And Resto

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@ Mira's Warung

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Lemon Tea
@ Coffee Network Bali

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Hot Tea
@ Mr. Po Chi

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Lemon Tea
@ Pecel Pincuk Madiun Mbak Asih

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Teh Hangat || Hot Tea

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Green Tea Latte

Hot Tea
Coffee & Tea
Hot Drinks
Green Tea

Green tea,fresh milk, condensed milk,

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Green Tea (Matcha) Latte

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Lemon Tea

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Hot Tea

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Hot Earl Grey Tea

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Lemon Tea

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Hot Tea

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Lemon Tea

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